In this English lesson you will learn English words that describe personality so that you can build your vocabulary and speak English with more confidence and fluency.
We use these words all the time to describe the personalities of our friends, and family
In my family there are many fun-loving people. They like to enjoy themselves and don’t like to be too serious. I would also say that they are out-going people and are generally upbeat about life.
If there is on thing I can’t stand it is small-minded people. You know, people that are not open to new ideas and they always try to impose their opinion on you.
These people are often also narrow-minded and I often get into arguments with them about politics and other topics.
I definitely prefer people that are broad-minded because they seem so much more tolerant of others.
My friend Paul is a little quick-tempered sometimes. He doesn’t have a really bad temper but sometimes he gets a little angry.
Happy-go-lucky Maggie
My friend Maggie is the complete opposite. She is a happy-go-lucky, laid back and easy-going person that is great to be around. She has a really positive vibe.
I would also say she is quite self-assured in the sense that she is very confident in her ability to do things well.
My brother Henry, on the other hand, is quite reserved and introverted. Henry also spends most of the day in his room listening to music and reading books.
He is rather intelligent but he gets embarrassed when you tell him how smart he is. He is a bit self-effacing and modest about his academic success.
Some of the kids at school are two-faced. I can’t trust them. You never know if they are telling the truth or lying to you. I hate people like that.
How would you describe your personality and the people you know. Write about them in the comments section below.
Here’s another lesson to learn more vocabulary.
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