In this English lesson you will learn how we use some of the common Expressions of quantity in English, like so many, so few, far more, etc.
Countable nouns
With words like cars, people, drinks, books, dollars, etc, we use the following expressions of quantity:
so many, so few, far more, far fewer, many more, as many
- There were so many cars on the road that it was nightmare to drive.
- So few cars were there on the road that it was a pleasure to drive.
- There were far more cars on the roads than usual.
- Not as many cars were on the roads as other days.
- Yesterday there were many more cars on the roads than other days.
Uncountable nouns
With words like luggage, time, bread, sugar music, etc., we use the following expressions of quantity:
so much, so little, far more, far less, much more, as much
- We had so much free time we got bored.
- So little free did we have that we couldn’t do everything we wanted to do.
- They had far more free time than they wanted to have.
- She had far less free time than she would have liked.
- There was much more bread on the table than we could have eaten.
- We didn’t order as much bread as we should have. We ran out of bread.
There you go. That is how we use these quantity expressions in English.
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