In this English grammar lesson you will learn how we use the past perfect tense in English.
To form the past perfect tense we use:
had + past participle
- After talking to John I realised that I had met him before somewhere.
- By the time I got to the party, most people had left.
- I thought I had bought enough food but we ran out.
- He told her he had had enough and ended the relationship.
For unreal events
We can use the past perfect for unreal events.
- If I had gone to university I would have a better job.
- I wish you had called earlier.
For unrealised hopes
- I had hoped to go to the concert but I got ill and couldn’t go.
- I had wished to visit Paris but my flight was cancelled.
With time expressions
We can also use the present perfect with the time expressions after, as soon as, before, when.
- As soon as I had finished eating I had a nap.
- We left the party after we had spoken to everyone.
Here’s another grammar lesson for you to study.
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