What is your favourite type of alcoholic drink?How often do you drink alcohol?Do you ever drink too much?Why do you drink alcohol?Do you think alcohol is a drug?What are some of the negative effects of alcohol?Are you allowed to drink alcohol and drive in your country?How does alcohol change your behaviour, personality?What are the most … [Read more...] about ESL conversation questions about Alcohol
Conversation topics
ESL conversation questions about Africa
What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘Africa’?Do you have a favourite African country?In your opinion, what is Africa famous for?What do you think Africa’s saddest story is?Which images of Africa do you have that are romantic?What images of Africa do you have that are beautiful?Can you name some things Africa has given to the world?What … [Read more...] about ESL conversation questions about Africa
ESL conversation topics about Animals
What is your favourite animal and why?Are there any animals that you would refuse to have as a pet?Why do people keep animals as pets?Do you know any animals that are endangered species?Do you think we should try to protect animals?Which is the most useful animal for humans?Which is the least useful animal for humans?What are some typical animals in … [Read more...] about ESL conversation topics about Animals