What are clauses of purpose?

In this English lesson you will learn about the very important clauses of purpose and how we use them in English.
Some of the main clauses of purpose are:
in order that, so that, in order to, so as to, in case
We use them to answer the question Why? or What for?
Clause of purpose + infinitive
We play sport to, in order to, so as to get fit.
We take holidays to, in order to, so as to relax.
So, why do we take holidays? To, in order to, so as to relax
That’s the reason.
+ subject + verb
I will take you shopping so that you can buy some more clothes.
Please give me his number so that I can call him.
So, why do you want his number? So that you can call him.
+ present or past tense
Take an umbrella in case it rains.
We took and umbrella in case it rained.
So, why did you take an umbrella? In case it rained.
+ noun/-ing
This knife is for spreading butter.
I am waiting for lunch.
So what are you waiting for? Lunch.
Here’s another English lesson for you to study.
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