In this English lesson you will learn how we use English grammar quantifiers a lot, lots, plenty and a great deal in English.
These are used in a similar way to much and many.
A lot, lots and plenty are used more informally. For example:
There are a lot of people waiting for the bus. We might be here for a while.
I don’t have a lot of time so hurry up, please.
Jim has lots of money in the bank.
Plenty is informal
You have had plenty of time to pack my suitcase so why isn’t it ready?
I have had plenty to eat today, so I am not hungry now.
Great deal/large amount of (formal)
A great deal is more formal.
For example:
I had a great deal of things to do today.
Bill said he had a great deal of work today and that’s why he arrived late.
A large amount of people lost their jobs during the recession.
So that’s how we use the English grammar quantifiers a lot, lots, plenty, a great deal.
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