English learning videos Vocabulary 
Learn English online with our English learning videos vocabulary. Teacher Stuart explains the ins and outs of English vocabulary and also gives clear examples that will help you improve your English. The videos are clear and easy to understand. If you don’t get the meaning the first time, you can repeat the video as many times as you want until you fully understand the point.
For intermediate and advanced English learners
The English learning videos are aimed at Intermediate and advanced English learners who are looking to perfect their English and specifically their English grammar. The learning videos are easy to watch and are not usually longer than 10 minutes.
The videos are also on YouTube. Please subscribe to the channel.
It’s almost like having an English teacher all to yourself!
Feel free to comment on any video if you have an doubts. You can also contact us if you have any particular point of English vocabulary that you would like us to teach you. We know what it is like to learn another language, so we can help you meet your objectives sooner.