In this English lesson you will learn some of the main words and expressions we use in English when we talk about friendships and relationships.

We all have a best friend. My best friend‘s name is Eduardo. We have been friends since university. I could also say that Eduardo is an old friend of mine.
I got to know him well at uni and we became good friends. I also get on really well with his family.
Eduardo and I have a lot in common. We like the same foods, we laugh at the same things and we live in the same neighbourhood.
I have lost contact with a lot of the other friends I had at university. We have not kept in touch over the years.
If you don’t keep in touch with people it is easy to grow apart.
I have also fallen out with a lot of people over the years. You know, you have a disagreement with a person and you stop being friends. You stop talking to them and before you know it, you lose touch all together.
I meet a lot of people at work nowadays. I work for a big company so there are always new people to meet. I have some really nice workmates and colleagues.
I also try to have a good relationship with some of my peers in the insurance industry.
I don’t really have a large circle of close friends. Many people I meet at the weekend are friends of my friends.
It’s better to keep your group of friends small, in my opinion.
My flatmates and housemates have been some of my closest friends over the years. When you have to share a flat with someone, it’s wise to try and get along with them. Otherwise your life can be hell.
Watch the lesson to see some of the words in more context and you can learn more vocabulary here.
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