In this English lesson you will learn some of the main phrasal verbs with PAY.
Phrasal verbs are difficult for people to learn English so it is best to learn this type of verb in groups. This lesson is aimed at people studying B2 level English or above.
PAY phrasal verbs
Here are some of the key phrasal verbs with PAY.
Pay off x 3
The extra training really paid off as they won the league.
My mortgage is so big it will take me 30 years to pay off.
They say he got permission to build on the land because he paid off the local council.
Pay back x 2
Would you mind paying me back that €20 I lent you. I need it back.
Jenny was bullied at school last week. Now she is thinking of ways to pay them back.
Pay in
Jerry gave me a cheque so I am off to the bank to pay it in.
Pay out
He paid out a huge amount of money to his wife when they divorced.
Pay up
John says he wants his money so you had better pay up.
Please watch the video to see the phrasal verbs in more context.
Here’s another lesson to help you learn more English.
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