In this English lesson you will learn how we use prepositions in questions in English.
Prepositions at the end of questions
It is very common in English to end a question with a preposition. Especially when we speak English.
When the question starts with – what, where, which, who, how many
- What are you talking about?
- Which car did you decide on?
- What are you looking at?
- Who are you talking to?
- Who did you go shopping with?
- How many cities have you lived in?
- How many shops did you go to?
Replying to questions
If somebody makes a statement you can reply with another question and with a preposition.
- ‘I want to speak to you.’ – ‘What about?’
- ‘We are going out for dinner.’ – ‘ Who with?’
- ‘Please pick me up at 6pm.’ – ‘Where from?’
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Here’s another grammar lesson for you to study.
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